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The Toolbox Series provides specialized workshops for creative artists and residencies for choreographers to enliven their personal practice and expand their professional market. We uniquely craft each TBX session for artists and participants and each culminates with a theorist happening to further our mission as artist/citizens. Fiscally Sponsored by Fisterra.

TBX Scholarship Fund

Photos © SWNG Productions

Our Story
Thank you!

Addison Holmes
Alex Masi

Alighta Albright
Amy Cain

Amy Morrow
Andrew Willard

Anna Gallagher-Ross

Anna Ingram
Austin Creative Alliance
Balance Dance Studios

Becky Nam

Belinda Rose Secular

Billie Morrow
Brad Gray

Catalina Alexandra

Caitlin Self
Charles Anderson
Cheles Rhynes

Connor Timpe
City of Austin Cultural Arts Division

David Chao
David Phillips

David Armstrong

Diane Morrow

Dorothy O'Shea Overbey

Dr. Mike Maggio


Elizabeth Hartzell

Erin Marie Fulton


Frankie Lee Peterson III

Frazier Blaw
Gary Halm

Hannah Bacon-Brightwell

Hunter Sturgis

Idan Sharabi

Isaac Iskra
Jeannette Gray
Jesse Moore Perrin
Jessica Maria MacFarlane

Jim and Wanda Burgess

John Brinkman
Kathy Dupoy

Kanami Nakabayashi

Kaysie Seitz Brown
Kelsey Oliver
Kristin Renee Nicolaisen

Kylie Phillips

Larry Vanston

Lea Fridman

LB flett

Lisa Marie Spradley

Lizette Marie Chapa


Lizzy Tan

Lois Devoix

Mackenzie Lawrence

Manuel Vignoulle

Martin Perez

Michael Kawazoe

Morgan Mackay Teel

Morganne Mazeika

Oluwaseun Samuel Olayiwola

Paula McGee Pope

Rachel Meador
Rattletree School of Marimba

Ron Berry
SWNG Productions
Sara Marie Tzaperas
Steve Morrow
Sunny Shen

Thavone Bertaud
The General Consulate of Israel Southeast
The General Consulate of Israel Southwest
Tina Curran

Torie Gatlin

Twain Morrow
Veronica DeWitt
Wendy Rucci

Yelena Laningham


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