February Evenings
with Deborah Hay
“I want a wider personal exchange with the Austin community but I am not sure how to make that happen. My first attempt is set for February 2024.”
- Deborah Hay

Monday through Friday, Feb 12 – 23, 2024 at 7 PM, I will perform a 15- 20 minute dance in a private Travis Heights studio location. In the course of the hour you are invited to participate at any time and as you wish. This could take the form of writing, moving, singing, talking with someone, or more. As community, in this context, you are invited to generously attend to your own wishes and desires without imposing your wishes and desires onto someone else. You might want to bring a notebook.
If you are already aware of my work and plan to come, consider inviting an acquaintance who has no previous experience with it.
I imagine this like a LIBRARY in which we each pursue our interests together.
The address will be sent upon registration
Tickets are sliding scale / pay what you will at the door / write check to DHDC or cash only
Reservations are necessary because the space holds a maximum of 20.
Email or text: amy@thetheorists.org; 817-692-2263