Anti-Racism Resources
This document, compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein, is intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work. If you haven’t engaged in anti-racism work in the past, start now. Feel free to circulate this document on social media and with your friends, family, and colleagues.
Silence is NOT an Option
The Theorists are Artist Citizens and we call our community to
dismantle White Supremacy and amplify melanated voices.
We have to speak out and take action.
No lives matter until Black Lives Matter, and matter is the minimum.
Black lives are needed, loved, and vital.
All we have is each other. Action is solidarity, not charity.
We will continue to listen, learn, and act as an ally. This statement is a point of departure we will return to,
reflect on, and adapt as we grow together in standing against racism in all its forms.
We ask for accountability and encouragement on this journey.
We will collaborate and produce events where multiple ALANA (African, Latinx, Asian, Native American), SWANA (Southwest Asia and North Africa) and MENA (Middle East and North Africa) artists are present.
No one is a token or monolith.
You are not alone.
We see you. We hear you. We love you.
We will present classes and performances that amplify melanated voices. We will review past repertoire and critically review white centered experiences, and how we can consciously integrate more perspectives.
We will not host classes that center patriarchal methods or appropriate movement research without citing the source of inspiration. We will not abet erasure. We witness our lineage. Your practice inspires our practice.
We will always pay artists and will additionally expand our scholarships and subsidized tickets. We ask for our patrons to match our efforts for equity.
We will gather in accessible spaces at accessible prices .
We will always evaluate the expense of a free event by considering opportunity costs (babysitting/travel/parking).
XYZ Practice
Our collaborative project XYZ Atlas calls for action through XYZ Practice. Classes are offered online (by donation) weekly.
The XYZ Atlas asks why we feel a sense of belonging to a place by mapping experiences and collecting stories that document our highs and lows.
The XYZ Atlas is an interactive public art project. We create art, maps, and activations that affect community health and well-being, urban planning, and cultural tourism with diverse outreach strategies to reach art lovers and underserved communities of all ages.
When you feel at your end, XYZ shares tools to begin again. X and Y ask where you are. Z reflects how your are. From this intersection, we move to empower action, healing, truth, and reconciliation.
We invite you to join this unique opportunity to visualize how we experience belonging.